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Customer Experience

customerExperience-900x413Customer experience is the product of an interaction between an organization and a customer over the duration of their relationship. This interaction includes a customer’s attraction, awareness, discovery, cultivation, advocacy and purchase and use of a service. It is measured by the individual’s experience during all points of contact against the individual’s expectations. So why is one’s customer experience important, a positive experience can improve customer loyalty and increase sales/revenue.

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Why get a Targeted Press Release?

Press_Release1. Instant Exposure for Brand, Event or Service

Once a press release is made live via a major distribution channel it is sent to all major media outlets and is searchable on the internet.  With proper keywords, title tags and meta-descriptions, the press release can be found immediately on the internet.

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Innovating Marketing & Mgmt Introduces The Beauty Industry Salon “Vision Board Party”

vision_board_and_logo1452694536The Beauty Industry Salon is hosting a Vision Board party to assist Entrepreneurs in visualizing and achieving their business goals

Baton Rouge, LA January 10th, 2016

The Beauty Industry is a chic salon centrally located in the charming, unique city of Baton Rouge, LA in the Tiger Bend area. The salon has all of the makings of a big city salon, including hair care, waxing, makeup and lash extensions with a touch of southern hospitality. Whether preparing for a night on the town or just soaking in the atmosphere, the Beauty Industry has services to satisfy all of your grooming needs.

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