Judith Camille Jackson, better known as Judi the “Voodoo Vixen” from Oxygen Network’s “Bad Girls Club Season 7, is releasing a new book “FOU” on June 11, 2015, a romantic thriller.
Houston, TX — (ReleaseWire) — 05/19/2015 –Judith Camille Jackson, better known as Judi the “Voodoo Vixen” from Oxygen Network’s “Bad Girls Club Season 7, is releasing a new book “FOU” on June 11, 2015.
The romantic thriller takes place in the swamps of Louisiana, where black magic and paranormal behavior are the norm. “FOU” tells the story of two best friends connected because of their Telekinesis, or as some refer to as “Voodoo.” The two friends have a special connection and when one of the friends falls in love the other friend brews up a roué a black magic to get her friend back. This is one of the first books written by Judi as she evolves into the next phase in her career. Because of Judi’s big heart and the recent death of the mother all proceeds from the sale of the book will be donated to Lung Cancer Awareness. On March 1, 2015 Judi lost her mother to Lung Cancer and through the donation of the proceeds of the book would like to help with finding a cure to this horrible disease. Judi has always given back to the community through her charitable works and donations with “LaRabida’s Children’s Hospital” based out of Chicago, which helps children with Sickle Cell Disease (if you would like to make a donation please visit http://www.larabida.org).
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